Thursday’s Thought: WIA Grant Money and Other “Free” Training

Posted by Kevin Crews - The Career Strategist on May 20, 2011 in Job Tip |
If I where to take a poll on how many job seekers have looked into WIA Grant Money, or have taken any kind of free education while they have been searching for their next opportunity, I am afraid that the results would make me cry.

Why is it that so many of us are reluctant to ask for or take freebies when they are available? Kids don't have this reservation. If there are a plate of cookies on display at the local community bank for their customers to consume in a help-your-self environment, a kid assumes that the entire plate of scrumptious cookies are there for them (every last one). They have no reservations about obliging to the bank's kind offer.

However, when the government (or other agencies) provide assistance to adults, we are very reluctant to accept anything without paying for it. And out of work job seekers need to watch their finances very closely. So, I want to encourage you to look into the WIA Grant money, browse the free college courses from MIT (at http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm ), and choose some YouTube videos on software products like Microsoft Word to freshen up your skills. It will help relieve some stress, better prepare you for the job market, bring the kid out of you, and possibly turn your frown upside down.

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