Today’s Tip: Job Seekers Should be Cheaters!

Posted by Kevin Crews - The Career Strategist on August 16, 2010 in Job Tip |
Back in school, if you cheated (and got away with it), your chances of getting an "A" on the test probably increased significantly. Now, I am not a big proponent of cheating in school but I do think that you should take similar advantages in the business world to "cheat" your way to an interview and/or job offer.

What exactly do I mean? The answers to the "interview test" are yours just for the asking! They are written in the job description, known by employees of the company you are interviewing with, and blurted out by the recruiter and hiring manager if you are listening closely or know the right questions to ask.

By networking with these people, you increase the likelihood that you'll be recognized as well as say the right answers when asked those difficult questions. Just as you did in school, you also need to prepare for that interview by using people in your network to learn about the company, culture, values, and business critical projects that are underway; or anything else that will elevate you far above your competition.

Want an example? Ask the recruiter, "I would really like to succeed in this upcoming interview. Is there anything about my background that you feel I should spend the most time explaining during the interview?"

The answer may be all you need to get that "A" on your interview test!

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